ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 1(78)Some individual psychological predictors of professional disadaptation forming in surgery and therapeutic profi le doctors
Title of the article Some individual psychological predictors of professional disadaptation forming in surgery and therapeutic profi le doctors
Authors Pshuk Nataliia
Kaminska Anna Oleksiivna
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 1(78) Pages 84-87
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 614.258-037:159.96 Index BBK -
Abstract Some personal characteristics of surgical and therapeutic profi le doctors were investigated to evaluate their role in the professional disadaptation forming. Professional disadaptation estimate questionnaire by O. N. Rodina, Subjective Level of Control questionnaire (SLC), characterological questionnaire by H. Shmieshek were used in the study. At the fi rst stage 280 physicians were surveyed, after that in the second stage, respondents were divided into groups as follows: EG1 — surgical doctors with symptoms of PD, EG2 — therapeutic profi le doctors with signs of PD, CG — doctors without PD signs. Study results indicated that in the fi eld of professional relations EG1 and EG2 doctors were more external compared to the CG doctors (p < 0,05). Displacement of the locus of control in professional relationships in the area where externality refl ects the increased sensitivity and subjective vulnerability in social interaction. Also characterological features of the surveyed of doctors were investigated. A positive correlation was found between certain characterological types (cyclothymic, pedantic, getting stuck) and PD states. Individual psychological predictors, such as locus of control and character, were found to interact signifi cantly with severity of professional disadaptation.
Key words professional disadaptation, surgery and therapeutic profile doctors, locus of control, externality, internality, accentuation of character
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