ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 1(78)Gender features of completed suicide attempts in Kharkiv (2008—2011)
Title of the article Gender features of completed suicide attempts in Kharkiv (2008—2011)
Authors Linskiy Igor
Bacherykov Andrii Mykolaiovych
Lakynskyi Roman
Matuzok Eduard Gennadiiovych
Tkachenko Tetiana
Sitenko Liubov Mykolaivna
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 1(78) Pages 76-80
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.441.44-055.1-055.2-036.22 (477.54) Index BBK -
Abstract The purpose of the research was to discover epidemiological features of factors of suicides among the Kharkiv population for the assessment of the forecast possibility for suicidal activity effects. The data of 809 completed suicide attempts was processed. The monitoring was conducted on the basis of Kharkiv Regional Forensic Bureau's autopsy reports (2008—2011). A number of gender features of the suicides were discovered. Among the gender features of the most possible suicide attempt are: the age of under 60 for men and over 60 for women; the season of spring for men and autumn for women; the daytime from 6 am to midday and from 6 pm to midnight for men, and from midday to 6 pm for women; the way of committing suicide of hanging (along with some other ways: incised wounds, electric shock, railway injury) for men, and fall from a height and poisoning for women; the alcohol intoxication level of the average and more severe intoxication degree (≥ 1,51 % of ethanol in the blood) for men, and a slight degree of the intoxication (0,51—1,50 ‰ ethanol in the blood) for women.
Key words completed suicide attempt, monitoring, risk factors, prognosis
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