ГоловнаArchive of numbers2013Volume 21, issue 4 (77)Long-term treatment of alcohol depended persons with variable mode of sensibilizing remedies intake
Title of the article Long-term treatment of alcohol depended persons with variable mode of sensibilizing remedies intake
Authors Artemchuk Kyrylo Anatoliiovych
Linskiy Igor
Year 2013 Issue Volume 21, issue 4 (77) Pages 70-78
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.441.13-07-08-092-037 Index BBK -
Abstract The purpose of this research is the analysis of updatings of a pattern of the use of alcohol under the infl uence of long treatment of alcohol depended persons with variable mode of sensibilizing remedies intake. Researches it was carried out in three groups of patients with the alcoholic dependence, receiving one of three following variants of treatment: disulfi ram in a combination with psychosocial support on "BRENDA" technology; cyanamid in combination with specifi ed psychosocial support, and also isolated psychosocial support. Modification of alcohol use pattern was estimated by the retrospective analysis by TLEB (Timeline Follow back) technique; subjective eff ect alcoholic beverages use — by analogue-visual hedonic scale Almashi — Drbohlav. Characteristic quantitative and qualitative changes of alcohol use pattern. It was made conclusion that intake of sensibilizing remedies "on demand" is eff ective, as well as their daily intake.
Key words alcohol dependence, sensitizer change pattern of use alcohol
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