ГоловнаArchive of numbers2013Volume 21, issue 2 (75)Infusion therapy in emergency neurosurgery and neurology
Title of the article Infusion therapy in emergency neurosurgery and neurology
Authors Polischuk Mykola Yefremovych
Goncharuk Oksana
Shkiryak Anton
Year 2013 Issue Volume 21, issue 2 (75) Pages 43-46
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK — 085:616.83-089.159:616.8-036.11-083.98 Index BBK -
Abstract Infusion therapy in emergency neurosurgery and neurology is one of the most important components that provide cerebral perfusion. Management of infusion therapy requires the control of fl uid and electrolyte, protein and blood condition and intra-cranial pressure. In conducting fl uid therapy occur as colloid and crystalloid drugs, indications of application of which should be clearly defi ned in each clinical case. Fluid therapy should provide hemodynamic stability with an adequate level of mean arterial pressure, stable low intracranial pressure and normal indices of perfusion pressure of the brain. Aqueous electrolyte metabolism plays a key role in maintaining the body's internal environment. Patients with traumatic brain injury, stroke and seizures are extremely sensitive to changes in hemodynamics and fl uid-electrolyte exchange.
Key words infusion therapy, head trauma, ischemia, seizures, osmolality, electrolytes, intracranial pressure, cerebral perfusion pressure.
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